Those croissants are great for parties. Unfortunately, it takes a good while to make them, but the flavour is my winner and I sometimes make them with no occasion.
Yeast (dough) croissants:
500g plain flour,
1/2 cup sugar,
125g margarine,
5g dried yeasts,
2 eggs
1/2 tsp salt,
vanilla essence,
500g icing sugar.
filling: a jam, fruit preserve, nutella <3, mince (the same, as in the pies ;D ). I have used poppy seed filling. It is traditional Polish filling for roll (during xmass or sometimes easter).
Heat the milk slightly (25-30 degrees Celsius). Add yeast and stir them a bit. Add 2 tsp of sugar, so the yeast can grow. Leave it for a while (in warm place). Beat sugar with egg yolks. Melt margarine. Add the margarine (not too hot), salt, vanilla essence and yeast to the bowl with the flour. Mix with hand, until the dough does not stick to your hands. Cover with a clean tea towel and leave for 40-60 mins to grow (WARM PLACE). After that time, take your dough out of bowl and roll it (to make a circle). The dough has to be 2mm tick. When it looks like a pizza base, ''slice it'' ;) Place your filling (not too much, so it doesn't fall out of croissants ;D) on the ''bottom'' of your triangle. Roll the triangles towards the ''top'', so the croissant shape is made. Leave them for 25 minutes. Then ''paint'' them with a bit of slightly beaten egg white. ( will give them a nice shine after baking). Preheat the oven to 180*C (electric oven)/ 170*C (fan oven)/ 5(gas mark oven). Place your croissants (on a tray) in a cool- warm oven, otherwise your dough will collapse, as you kill the yeasts. Bake until golden. Make a royal icing:
- Beat egg whites.
- Add icing sugar to the ''foam''.
- Decorate your croissants ;)
I hope you'll enjoy ;)
Te rogaliki sa swietne na imprezy i nie tylko. Niestety ich zrobienie zajmuje duzo czasu, ale mnie to nie przeraza ;) I tak pieke je czasem tak O- bez okazji ;)
Rogaliki drozdzowe:
500g maki,
1/2 szkl maki,
125g margaryny,
5g suchych drozdzy (instant),
2 jajka,
1/2 lyzeczki soli,
aromat waniliowy,
Nadzienie: dzem, marmolada, lub konfitura owocowa, nutella <3, masa makowa ;), lub kazda inna.
Podgrzej mleko (ok 25-30 * C ), dodaj drozdze i rozmieszaj. Wsyp 2 lyzeczki cukru i odstaw na chwilke. Ubij zoltka z cukrem. Rozpusc margaryne. Dodaj margaryne (nie za goraca!!!), zoltka, drozdze, sol i waniline do miski z maka. Recznie wyrob ciasto, tak zeby odchodzilo od rak. Przykryj sciereczka i odstaw do wyrosniecia na ok 40-60 min. Wyloz ciasto i rozwalkuj na ok 2 mm, tak zeby powstalo kolo. Gdy juz ciasto wyglada jak spod do pizzy, ''pokroj je'' na trojkaty. Na szersza strone kazdego trojkata naloz nadzienie (tylko nie za duzo, bo wycieknie ;D). Zroluj trojkaty w strone ''czubka'', tak zeby powstaly rogaliki. Odstaw na 25 minut. Rozgrzej piekarnik do ok 180*C/ 5 (gazowy piekarnik). Wloz blache z rogalikami do letniego- cieplego piekarnika ( w innym razie ciasto sie nie uda, poniewaz ''zabijesz'' drozdze ;D) Piecz do uzyskania zlotego koloru. Zrob lukier:
-Ubij bialka na sztywna piane,
- Dodaj cukier pude, wymieszaj.
- Udekoruj rogaliki ;)
Mam nadzieje, ze posmakuja ;)
dried yeasts,
drożdże instant,
instant yeasts,
suszone drożdże,
yeast dough
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