Healthy diet promoting actions/ promocja zdrowego zywienia.

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Healhty diet promotiong actions 

I think that we all love actions taken to promote healthy diet and lifestyle. But, do we all know what is their background?

Few months ago I took a part in an action that was mend to promote healthy diet. The only thing was that the action was organized by the company, who is selling processed cheese and such products.

The Hochland company organized a place and sponsored people who educated us about healthy diet, lifestyle and healhty luch box for school kids.

Why am I so against thier behaviour? Because they tried to show people how healthy their products are. In real life, processed cheeses are full of trans fats that remain in our arteries, and 'help' to raise the bad cholesterol. They're full of salt which keeps the excess water in our bodies and increases blood pressure. Processed cheeses are also 'filled' with my favourite :) : artificial additives, that might cause hiperactivity in children and ruin our health.

Guys, please be consious when you listen to those 'smart' people who tell you what to eat and never believe to all of what they said. Good luck ;)

Promowanie zdrowej diety 

Lubicie akcje promujace zdrowa diete i zdrowy tryb zycia? Mysle, ze tak. Ale czy wiemy, co one skrywaja?

Kilka miesiecyv temu bralam udzial w akcji majacej na celu promowanie racjonalnego zywienia. Jednak cos nie dawalo mi spokoju... Tak. Firma Hochland. Jeden z najwiekszych producentów serow topionych. Sponsorowali cala akcje, oplacili 'specjalistow' edukujacych ludzi o tym, co trzeba jesc i dlaczego. Prezentowali troche odwrocona piramide zywieniowa i promowali swoje produkty jako mega zdrowe!

Dlaczego mnie to wkurzylo? Bo serki topione to zlo! :P To utwardzany tluszcz roslinny, tluszcze trans, ktore zapychaja zyly. To kopalnia soli, a sol jak wiadomo zatrzymuje nadmiar wody w organizmie i podnosi cisnienie. Oraz moj faworyt: sztuczne dodatki, ktore moga powodowac ADHD u dzieci i najzwyczajniej w swiecie rujnuja nasze zdrowie.

Ludzie, prosze uwazajcie na takie akcje i nie dajcie sobie wkrecic wszystkiego, co mowia do was 'specjalisci' :P Powodzenia :)





My Photo
A girl who fell in love with coffee and sweets. Someone who's wardrobe is getting bigger eventough she still finds like she got nothing good to wear. Dziewczyna która zakochała się w kawie i słodyczach. Ktoś, kogo szafa się stale powiększa, a ta wciąż myśli, że nie ma nic fajnego do ubrania.